
Renovation Challenge Week 2: It’s All About the Demo

Posted March 27, 2019

We are well underway with week 2 of the Renovation Challenge, and this week it’s all about the demo. Accompanied of course with plenty of inspiration from our 15 DIY Bloggers. 

Taking on a six week renovation comes with its challenges but the fun part, is demo.

Amanda from Love and Renovations put it perfectly:

“Ever have a really bad day and just want to come home and smash things up with a hammer?

Or, ever just want to smash things up with a hammer even though you didn’t have a bad day?

That’s why demo day is the best. You have permission to just go nuts on a room in your house and it’s the only time that it’s actually a good thing to break stuff.”

Demoing a space is not only freeing but you get a blank canvas for all the inspiration you have. We’re excited to share some inspiration and mood boards from some of the designers and how their spaces are shaping up. 

Browse through each to see the tips and tricks of demos and how to prep your space for what’s to come. 

A common misconception our designers are addressing this week, is how to properly prep your space for new tile. Even lines, a clean slate and removing those pesky nails are all things to consider before installing new flooring. Helping to keep your fresh space looking new for years to come all starts with your demo. 

So much action this week and we don’t want you to miss a thing. Visit the Renovation Challenge page for more info and be sure to tune in weekly as voting opens up in just one week.

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