It’s Not About a Dream Home… It’s About Your Home
Posted February 15, 2018Throw out the idea of buying a dream home. That very thought gives a feeling like you have to work until retiring to achieve the home of your dreams. Today, it’s not about buying a dream home—it’s about transforming the space you’re in now. As the old saying suggests, “Blossom where you’re planted.” That’s the motivation behind The Handmade Home’s Jamin and Ashley Mills—making a house a home!
Through their own home renovation projects in Nashville, TN, they have shown DIYers from all around what it means to transform a living space. After mastering their own fixer upper, the Mills’ are now setting out to help families discover their inner beauty and bringing it out!
After an event at their kid’s school carnival, Jamin and Ashley met a young family with an ugly duckling home of their own. Their 1970’s home included a kitchen with challenges including an L-shaped island that prevented them from sitting down for a meal together.
Enter the creative minds of The Handmade Home! Removing this island as well as getting rid of cabinets above the only window in the room transformed the space into an open and naturally-lit kitchen. Moreover, our Cotton Valley mosaic tile was used from floor to ceiling as the wow-factor needed to offer a large and more open appeal. The results according to Ashley Mills: “Goodbye 1973 design… Hello timeless with a touch of modern!” Be sure to see the full renovation project including a new bathroom at The Handmade Home Blog.